Cheap Flights from Baton Rouge Ryan to El Paso International

Currently no airliners are offering direct flights from Baton Rouge Ryan to El Paso International. Should you wish to travel from Baton Rouge Ryan to El Paso International, 1 or more stops will be required.

Flight Routes

Do you need to get travel fast? You will find alternative routes from Baton Rouge Ryan to El Paso International that require 1 or more stops and in some instances the timing may be more convenient or a quicker route. View the table below to see alternative route that are possible.

Total Distance
Weekly Flights
1,555 Km (966 Miles)
1,535 Km (954 Miles)
2,885 Km (1,793 Miles)

Alternative routes to El Paso International

As a substitute, you will discover that Lafayette Regional also give flights to El Paso International which could be more fitting for you. Lafayette Regional has around 13 flights a week though you will find the number of flights vary from month to month so check with the airline currier for the most up to date information.

If you wish to look at this alternative solution then remember Lafayette Regional is around 88 kilometers (55 miles) from Baton Rouge Ryan. Choosing this root would probably require you look at alternative travel arrangement or look at alternative airport parking where costs could vary from airport parking provided at Baton Rouge Ryan. More information can be found at Flights from Lafayette Regional to El Paso International. Flights to El Paso International are also available from Louis Armstrong New Orléans International Airport; 13 flights a day depart from the airport.

Total Distance
Weekly Flights
1,395 Km (867 Miles)
1,605 Km (997 Miles)
1,380 Km (857 Miles)
1,345 Km (836 Miles)
1,450 Km (901 Miles)
2,615 Km (1,625 Miles)

Arriving at El Paso International

Hiring a car at El Paso International can be expensive if you book on arrival so we would recommend booking in advanced. Car hire is generally cheaper to pre book and you can find some of the best deals on our page. If you are being collected then they can made use of our El Paso International Airport Arrivals page which provides upto the minute information on your flights status.

When you arrive at El Paso International keep in mind that the time zone is not the same as Baton Rouge Ryan. El Paso International is GMT +7.0 compared to GMT +6.0 at Baton Rouge Ryan.

On leaving El Paso International Airport Airport airport you will discover getting to your destination to be fairly easy. El Paso International Airport Airport is situated around 7 miles (12 kilometers) from the center of El Paso where a lot people will be heading. With a population of around 563,700 you will find plenty of hostels and hotel if you require accommodation in El Paso.